Sunday, April 15, 2012

What to do with trends?

During the hysteria was curious to observe the five years. How slowly and gradually increased the number of blades, and then appeared floating head, and then lubricating strip. Now all. Nothing new has appeared, and the quantitative growth reached a peak.

Another Hysteria is just a state of peak. Cameras in phones. Have you noticed a strange trend? . I think that the next chip in the phones with a camera - is the emergence of a retractable lens.

Why not just make poeben sized phone and the camera has all the features of the communicator. Look for a response from Kotler ( Principles of Marketing ), if briefly, it is unprofitable. If you insert a camera down in a good communicator, then why buy a regular phone. If you embed the normal matrix in a regular phone and add a lens and optical zoom, why fuck with cameras? . Cameras are dying, but resist.

There is a niche in the cameras, which have never sunet nose or a phone and camera. This is the niche of professional photography. The cameras there from 1k bucks, the lens is even more expensive. Full range of photographic equipment middling photographer can easily pull a 10 -ku bucks. But this unit. Massive sales of photographic equipment will inevitably decline, holding with one hand video equipment (household survey), on the other phones ( short-term survey).

By the way, nobody will help me to explain than the tomato juice 'I' is different from the tomato juice Puzoderskogo juice factory? . Some would say the quality of. I will say that the tomatoes must be nehuevye to the difference in price was 200%. Especially since I still check can not. A box of anything I did not say if I see the juice in a glass. I prefer this brand juices Latvian Cido. They have a pronounced taste of fruit or vegetable, does not contain such crap as sweeteners ( aspartame, astringent taste consumers know Russian juice ) is not diluted with water Nemerow, as Belarusian juice. At a price of around 80-90 cents per liter. They are worse than I, or the German juice I did not understand.

Now I eat pink salmon in oil of local plant. At whose bidding we lost. The taste is shit. Pink salmon, and there is no smell. The taste as mackerel. And these people wonder why sales are down. Packaging will not save if the shit inside the. By the way marketing is and is to promote ' negovno '. Why do I eat? .

Still love to follow the struggles inches in LCD- TVs. Of course, the leader of the Sony, but they are hopelessly losing the race for money. I was not rushing to overpay for half the label on the panel, if the quality of Samsung's suits me, let alone the price - even more so.

I have not eaten pink salmon. Discovered that they forgot to remove the skin on some pieces. Tear is not vomited, but was once disdainfully to eat.

As to the TV, I think the next step is the smell. Sound and video is already solved the problem. In the smells can develop 10-15 years, while some standards will be achieved. There will be a sharp increase. Ideally, this would point to a computer screen that the human eye does not catch the stupidly at a distance of 3-5 meters, but it would be nice to feel that you possess the best.

And that's fucked up Player. And the video and audio. All manufacturers of household appliances have forgotten. the great conspiracy against humanity. together and kill players, as once zadrobili peyzhdery. Oh, what were once beautiful pagers. Why buy a player if he no longer works the phone, and can hold no more. A navigation over the phone just ass. And what video player, if there is a communicator, or pleysteshn or subnout, or simply a laptop? . Sell ​​their own, while there is time and the fuckers who buy them. By the way, it let you down, including the existence of the line iPod. It is, of course, hold the longest, but still die, uncared for on the shelf next to the computer.

Another trend is the change of engines in cars. Given the rise in price of oil will soon go is simply unprofitable. Reservation, on gasoline. What will be the alternative fuel - a matter of years. What will the new car fuel, too, no doubt. And what will you do with that junk in the backyard?.

While you think about it, think about something else, to the 2010 cease analog broadcasting on the territory of Russia. And hundreds of thousands of TVs will stop working overnight. Will simply show the white noise, unable to interpret the digital signal. Exit - pulley for the purchase of X dollars. Or buying a new TV. By the way, some grandmothers in the village of neither one nor the other can not afford.

A car is not TV. It if gets up, then drops it does not Artem Butuka zavedut. Oh, to be fun, when gasoline at the pump will cost 60 rubles, and in the adjacent column alcohol - no more than 30. And enough alcohol because of its purity is not on the 100km, 120km and the. Where to go away all the love for their carriages for 30k dollars in credit for 7 years?.

Leave you for some time to reflect on his fate, and he bowed to view kinoshki. Star Trek is not waiting!.

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