Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Roadshow: Answers to your questions - September 2011

Question - what is your rate of return from the posts on this blog? . That is, if the blog would not have had to be probably the PR in other places. And I'm interested in the benefits of this blog divided by the number of posts. Also wondering how long it is given to calculate the cost of one hour of the ' copywriting '.

It is difficult to calculate. And do not perceive the blog as a method of my personal PR activities and products. Let's just say I worked for three years. student's record-book. blog to continue it worked for me. Today I can write that sell anything and I am sure that dozens of people will buy it because I would not advise bad. And I had to spend months to create a reputation. So I make a lot of posts on this blog, I make the possibility of making a blog if I want this. If you are interested in absolute numbers, all of which brings me money online, one way or another obligation of my blogger. T. e. several thousand dollars a month. It turns out that every post brings sotenku or two. On the day I spend on the blog about 2-3 hours, if I write articles. But we must realize that all this is very approximate calculations - a successful article can bring me customers at a very serious amount, and will have to recalculate the average re-.

Kazapa justified?.
She enjoyed?.

Is for whom? . Within three months we were with a partner to withdraw money from the stock exchange. For me as an optimizer? . Otherwise I would not spend half as much money on the links in kazape than infer from it. Are you? . On the day I do webmasters up to 20 transfers to the purse money earned by them. I completely satisfied? . I must admit I was counting on more. But under the current market situation so bad. Kazapa entrenched in the market, plus the works and most importantly.

I want to do freelancing ( layout and programming). T. to. nobody knows me, I want some time to work for free ( for reviews), then to the customers that I have seen things done and people were satisfied with. I think right?.

I do not like and do not understand the free labor. It is better to work for little money than none at gift. As soon as you write about the freebies, like resort, those who do not pay anybody ever, and you are wasting time on people who are useless in the sense of forming a reputation as a specialist. It is best to do for next to nothing, gradually increasing the price of their labor. And the gratuitous labor of no use to anyone and most of all to you.

Dmitry, hello. There is a regional directory ( collection) sites on the subdomain. There is a dream place in the main domain directory of stores. A small town, about 200 thousand. people. , No direct competition. Is it worth doing a project on Google Apps?.

First answer to your question - what for it is necessary for someone? . Read on to the question of 39pokupok I'm there a little touch on this question. In general, it seems to me that the time has passed and amateur guides the future of services.

How to do something to my posts appearing on the tape 'BlogSpot: Layfstrim ' (http://rustop. blogspot. com /)? . ?.

I go out 3.2 times a week. I do not see much point to fall back. Previously, they had some form to add. Or had to write a comment. look for yourself.

Whether you like to be surprised? .

is. constantly. It's nice that someone is able to. And light a healthy rage, that you went around. Do not be ashamed to admit defeat. This stimulates the search for their path to success.

http://club-1000. blogspot. com / - something no articles in the last week. or I missed something, and he moved away? .

All right. Testing a new shell, slightly delayed the move to a single engine. This week run, and send out invitations to all subscribed.

How best to raise the attendance of a personal blog?.
Do not trade links, paid reviews, too, do not do. TIC 10, PR 2, adopted in DMOZ. Poseschalka dull - 10-30 uniques. What can I do to raise it to at least 100-150 per day? It interesting course of action - write articles for the keys, buy links to articles, buying reviews on other blogs, etc. d?.

Looked blog - sad shit manimeykerskoe. To the people walking more often, get yourself some of the rules. 1-on -3 or 1-to -4 - a post about personal. 1-to -20 - a great manual, or a large study of post-. And when will learn how to keep a schedule, throw a link to the life of the article or manuals, I propiaryu. If the essence of the Board, the manuals are collected links and retweets, and lytdybr makes you a man, not a soulless robot, monotonous stamp paper, people will want to come again and again to the blog.

What is the best 11- graders do: get a job / work as a freelance coder / copywriter and parallel to the SOM to do for a living on the traffic or to go to college and do the CSO ( in the institute, of course, learning will be more for show and brown )? . Also, I know html / css / js and php framework. I can write articles.

I will say platitudes, but I, like your parents for higher education. But not because it's something you would in part arranged. HIGH SCHOOL - this is my last exam on growing up. It's part of life that will give you a real kick in the right direction. And earn on the internet you can easily and studying at the institute.

I wanted to ask your opinion about the scope of the budget of our country, specifically about medicine - our patient is more dead than alive? .
Should I learn from the best to choose a doctor or other activity? .
( Golikov and you do not Nostradamus but it is certainly not ).

Since the medicine I can look inside ( I do not want to dismiss from the hospital, no matter how I ask ), it is obvious that the collapse of the medicine is in two equal parts: paid and free. The first will be different at the peak of the second only the lack of queues. In the meantime, paid more different quality of service. The path is normal, but painful. The West has long passed him by. To die as a result you will not be, but treated as before would no longer be, if you do not have the money.

Physician hungry in our country will never be ( if the employer does not pay, then feed the sick ). Another thing that does not interfere with business acumen and a doctor, if he wants to develop not only professionally, but also to grow their career and monetary. Most of my friends for a long time doctors working in private clinics, but most business have long opened their clinic. All the others complain about the life and double bets to survive.

There is one site in Kaliningrad - 39pokupok, popular in the city. Is it possible to learn first hand how it was created as a run-in business model, what were the stages in the development of steep and m. n. ? .

I am familiar with this project, nodding. The father of the founder of the project has one of the hotels with which we cooperate. And the only sales manager of the project was our secretary ( not passed the probationary period ). The project is unprofitable, as well as model. A man invested at the beginning, got traffic, but the customer base (shops ) in the ground are free of charge. As a result - the reduction of personnel and the existence on the brink. I do not know the details, so that the articles for the private blog will not work. Also, I was skeptical look at any directories on the Internet if they do not have any particular ideas.

Dmitry, please call your favorite movie and book, or just a good movie and the book.

movies a lot. But I would point out the eternal: Star Wars. Look at the episode of the series ' How I Met Your Mother ', where the main character chooses a girl by how she behaves when watching Star Wars. Now I have about the same ratio for this film. Mast keV. And do not ipet as who belongs to the attachment. As for books I still hold the first place ' stranger among strangers ' Heinlein. The Bible hippies, reflecting my attitude to the world. Beauty in diversity, rather than harmonic forms, as is commonly believed.

How to make the first customers for the company to create and promote websites. What is effectively used to attract customers? .

My first customers were my old customers in the other. And, of course, cold calling and cold meeting. And always tell everyone that you can do with sites that just blew up calls to any office.

Tell us about that in terms of hardware (server? ) Is used in kazape? .

Xeon X3430 2. 4Ghz Quad Core / 16GB / 2x500GB. Costs 197 bucks per month for 15 bucks a backup -account to another server. Checker is used partly for power on other servers, and SHARED.

As far as I know, the entrepreneurs do not schedule vacations as the employees.
How much time are you behind, on vacation (communication, friends, family, simply doing nothing ), but for work ( income support and quality of life )?.
If not hard, it will paint about the schedule of work / rest:.
- On the day ( in hours).
- For the week / month ( in days).
- For a year (in months).

In the first five years, I allowed myself some sleep, and only eaten off the New Year holidays and other holidays. In a couple of months of work left for 3-4 days. Now I can afford a week's vacation twice a year. I can and more, is just boring. I plan to go for a week in a quarter to travel somewhere. This does not preclude control of the workflow, but in reality I'm not much doing in this period. In addition, I try to spend the last two years on Saturday and Sunday with his family, not work.

Do you smoke? .

only drink. All except the vodka ( bueeee ), Roma ( sorry for the money ) and absinthe ( 70- degree drink the drink does not hesitate ). Roughly the equivalent of 1 liter of beer a day. Only in the evening for dinner or after. As a rule, alone or with his wife (it is at this time budozit tea). Who was the least. When sick, do not drink. Smoking tried - good to eat. For drugs in any form is strictly negative attitude.

hello. Help practical advice, and then takes possession of pessimism. I can not find her on the Internet. Having tried many things, but for some reason does not work. Maybe still is to go to work at the plant?.

This means that the plant. Another option is to start with the lower classes - to work for someone else. Copywriting, vebmastering. Such workers are always needed for a penny. But this experience and this idea of ​​what to do yourself. It is unlikely that I began to write a database for the money, if it had not started making them in the main job.

Promotion of sites:.
- If you take to promote the project, the WHO is promoting it?.
--- Senior officials who work under your.
--- Responsible frilensery with whom you are working for a long time.
--- Extern- company responsibility which you have checked on other projects.
- How much you participate / in control of the process?.

Promotional activities is divided into several parts: the change in the site, the purchase of reference, copywriting, and anchor papers. Publication reviews and links to our donors. I define a common strategy to make purchase in Sapa and kazape. The rest make employees. More on my monitor. The staff I have everything sitting out there. I'm alive they never saw. And some do not even know because they work for established freelancers.

At sites SLANET (. ru,. by,. kz,. com. ua):.
- 90 % of traffic comes from search engines. Traffic is a lot, but dumb as heavily dependent on search engines. What advise to dilute such a high percentage? .

Go to the social sphere. Just do not pull out traff, and to generate the internal traffic. Social networks - the Internet is a. Create a group and sell within it the same as selling to a corporate site. I'm trying to do exactly for a number of its projects.

How to find / search NELENIVYH frilenserov and in good faith? .

To hire, examine, and then employ the staff and pay their taxes and their real wages. So what that they are in your office, do not sit?.

Dima, hello!.
question. Let's go to the Christmas markets in Hamburg?.

Well I do not mind. The issue of money and visa.

As with the project one day in the life of a blogger? .

Because I only have one head and two hands are needed in other viable real money now projects. Now a project started by another person. Let's look at his work. Last Day. just zashibenny. Send us your day!.

I am 18 years old, am a second year at university, profession chose himself, all closed session with study no problems there, I work at a fairly khalyavnykh work at night, I get about 600-700 dollars a month, another 300-400 - make money online. There's also a lovely girl, and what some prospects for future life. But the constant feeling of worry that I live for free. I hurt all easy given that I did not have the right attitude towards life, which the consumer is. and so all the young lives. ever felt potreblyadstvo and zhelaenie ride free then. want something to change. In this connection, a desire to join the army. In principle the autumn conscription hit it. Now the question is it worth it? . Do straighten my brain?.

Once alarmed, it means that everything is in order. The army has nothing to do. This is only Tinkoff believes that the Army makes a guy guy. I think that the army should serve the people inclined to patterns of behavior and obedience. Creative people need to be creative, not to march on the parade ground. Although, of course, it is necessary to carry out some self-defense courses and gun ownership for all, including women. It is one thing - drill, the other - to defend the Motherland. As far as cleaning the brain - get married and parents of the child. Immediately clean all, and have become a serious.

What happened to Davidov?.

But I know? . Most have nothing in common. I have not even seen him ever.

How to find customers for promotion, if SEOs living in the region and wants of clients from Moscow and St. Petersburg?.
Pumped accounts on freelance sites - this is understandable, but it's a long time, what other options are there?.

Friends, context, communication with colleagues in the forums and in general. Customers to promote as well as any other clients on advertising reproduce by budding from the customers have already taken place. So it is necessary to cling to one, while the rest do prirastut. If we talk about my case, the communication, interaction and communication again. Sooner or later, or the client can find you, or someone to share awkward customer.

I'm thinking to start Portal neighborhood, the number of inhabitants about 120 thousand. A sort of information and news site, plus a forum. How many can pull the realization of this idea, what options do you see?.

zero rubles. I once showed a good neighborhood site:. http://artilleristov. net /.
What is important is not functional, but the idea and content. Build all the neighbors around the communication and dialogue with management companies. And you will be happy. Then pull up the school to engage in dialogue, kindergartens, hospitals. Year or two will go to all the buildup. A leaflet to advertise on the entrances.

Dmitry, tell me the actual live affiliate site for women. And in general, ways to monetize the site of female (except for the sale of links).

The context is a good idea. Sales of real goods. As far as traditional affiliate programs - it's not my niche. One of those I know on these sites is the context and tizerka. And all. But the basic salary - selling links and articles. For the sea of traffic and it is as indulgence before looking for protection from AGS.

As calculated in the Karma Club bablorubov?.

There are many options. For each normalized value is calculated. Then the parameters are summarized. So karma has a hard upper limit, but has no bottom. It seems to be the maximum possible value of the card for today 7. 5, but really only got one to five.

ba-za = ' My Blogs ' = One of my day: http://www. onemyday. ru /.
I thought this blog / project babloruba:-).

This coadministrator. I wrote above, that he took a partner in the project.

Hello! . 5:00 from St. Petersburg ) and muddy out there? .

Staying in St. Petersburg. I speak subjectively assessing their prospects if he lived in Moscow. In a small town is easier, but if you have ambitions, then quickly balk at the ceiling. I stared for a long time and now grow only in breadth, and it is difficult even in terms of reinvestment - and no extra money grows slowly keshflou. If I already had from birth a million bucks, it could swing in his city, but since we are talking about growth from the ground up, in a big city it will go faster.

how do you earn on their websites about the hotel?.

Booking rooms for those who found the hotel on our sites. Hotels pay a commission. However we live. In general, the type of booking, but all over the phone.

a. What is the meaning of life?.
2. Who will you vote in the upcoming presidential elections in Russia?.

a. Do not know. Probably to the end of life was excruciatingly painful, that no time. And if you still have time, then the grave is not scary.
2. I know I will not vote for Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky. If you leave me no alternative, I will choose the best of the worst and decide exactly been in the booth. In past years, I opted for the stability. Now I will choose the confidence. Who will tell her and ask for that and will vote.

Hello, recently threw a familiar mother-in-law, which must be a person that worked on the site ( traffic and stuff like that ), the site have not been and he has a terrible state in terms of materials, attendance and usefulness of the site ( in my opinion). The only advantage of the site - a domain that is in the UC particles and has 40 plus age. Website created to order and for its management, hosting, etc. Dr.. take Grandma. the site itself - studymir. com.

Of course, endure. If the site have not been doing it to save attendance and position in the crescent there is no need. A new website will be easier and move, and work with him. On redirect in this situation you can just hammer. If you are not lazy, register of special importance in the URL and all htaktsess.

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