Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And again, a million little or rental of

Gradually, we move on to the investments referred to in the title figure. To date range has passed for 70 units and continues to grow by about 1-2 units of product a week. But on the return too early to say.

I recall the original idea. Household rent, which provides rental tools, appliances, sporting equipment, rehabilitation facilities and in the future as clothing and generally all things. Audience: All residents of the city, experiencing a one-time or infrequent need for a particular product. In fact - why should acquire ownership of a thing, which vospolzueshsya once a year? .

Culture of the Soviet rolled almost completely etched from the minds of the population and culture of cost-effective approach to things and seem to be common in the West - have not come to us. So we can safely say that the client hire are all at the same time almost no one. These are the ' almost' and form the bulk of the users of rental. The rest is easier to buy Chinese crap and then safely forget about it, thrown into the basement or the attic.

only 1500 rubles. / day, but can this beast, almost all.

You can select experts. This is a clear and well- shaped auditorium. The guys can not buy all the tools necessary to them, but because of the specific shabashnyh work - a full arsenal of them, and do not need. So they take a tool on a regular basis, but always for a particular client, which essentially pays the rent and. It's true experts in their field, are well aware that they need and focused mainly on heavy and expensive equipment. It is for these, we bought a jackhammer, Wall Chaser, walk-behind tractor, a powerful generator, professional chainsaw and other tools. These people appreciate what we buy tools from Makita, Bosch, Stihl, and not the Chinese nouneymy. Still, these teams are not enough for a full load and part of them we have selected a company specializing in rentals of heavy equipment. The latter, we can only overtake the service and quality of services, as well as a more flexible approach.

The second segment - is one-off clients. Suffice chaotic segment, which has no clear boundaries. In addition, it is often very nervous and demanding customers - a hundred times repeated, and regularly change the terms, since they do not work is the normalized character. This range of products is wide enough, but basically it is gardening, which is in contrast to most of the power prefer not to buy.

Young people, such as more and more - are focused on sportovary in all their diversity. Tents, trailers. Gradually began to take a video game console.

Visitors often are interested in mattresses, TV, cot, fridge, pram.

This saw can cut wood, so far, even the chain does not whet, 600rub. / day.

Private conversation - people are temporarily restricted in mobility. Crutches have ever rented and probably the only thing paid for itself. But in business as a whole passing crutches no effect - it is rather an opportunity to attract clients.

All other products - almost all of them were taken at least once, and all kinds of requests are coming. But also systemically, these requests almost no effect on the overall situation.

We proceed to the regular structure of the steel, which has grown considerably in recent years. Now, in addition to our receptionist and working for the benefit of rental technician, promoter and Courier. All on the transaction. I came, I did, was. Technician monitors the safety of equipment, the promoter walks around the city inside the dolls and distributes flyers, courier travels to garden societies, distributing leaflets there. Of course, just a statement of expenditure from the bursting of these costs, but without advertising is just a rental. After all, in essence surrendering one hand things out, with the other hand we have a culture of public rental. And how will the success of this activity, our future depends.

The flow of advertising, hushed in the winter, resumed with renewed vigor but without the Internet. The site, however, has more people to attend. If the winter was 15-20, now 25-35 per night. Almost everything - from the search. Calls to the phone by 80% contain the phrase ' looked at the site '. The rest is equally divided between something and nothing ' saw the shield '. We now have two shields. One on the outskirts of the city, the second - in the city center. Little by little, and feeds the media, but without enthusiasm - in April, limited local magazine - poster. In general, advertising has gone for all time by about one-fifth of spending on new products. The same amount was spent on salaries and rent.

would never have thought that the hammer will become so popular, 900rub. / day.

The very economic model too slowly begins to pick out and becomes more intelligible for us. Bet on the cheap goods - obviously wrong. Income form the luxury goods. They just bring in cash from 500 to 1500 rubles per night. To gain the same amount of cheap goods, it is necessary to form a stream of five to fifteen orders. And bring a client or a 15 - a significant difference. People are still in place in the rental has become, and each client individually, we pestuem.

Another option is a significant income - is the use of durable goods. Low price on crutches can get half of their value from one client. Just less than 2-3 weeks of crutches do not use. There are orders for six weeks. Similarly - children's clothes. Usually they take the kids for visitors, and is 5-7 days, at least. And power tools in this niche does not get - there often comes at the expense of hours, not days.

Is it worth for this reason to give up cheap things? . The range - it is an attractor customers. And as it is wider, the better the chance to drag everyone concerned, which will lead other clients, has focused on the ' necessary ' items. This is because. We already have confirmation of these assumptions: former clients are taking other products and recommend quite actively seek to hire another. Not as active as we would like, but enough to talk about the Sarafan.

crutches discourage its value is 2-3 orders, 150rub. / week.

Speaking of the Sarafan. For all the work - only the good reviews. all. Who just heard, who used, who would. Everyone talks about the relevance and usefulness, as well as make suggestions for new products and development. There is even indifferent to the staff. Everyone likes the idea and the realization. If these hopes to convert into money - I would be happy, but so far it just confirms the idea that we are on the right track.

More info. Opting for quality products has been extremely loyal to. Not because of any special features and capabilities. They are simply hardier. Domestic nouneym simple and banal things, can not withstand regular use. A brand tools work even in extreme conditions, without regard to user experience. If the choice was made ​​in favor of Chinese instruments, then we would have carried the wild expenditure on repairs and maintenance. While the same basic repairs - is sharpening knives and oil changes. The biggest failure of all time - client broke the steam hose from a vacuum cleaner Karsher. The second major breakdown - a broken belt anchorage for brushcutters and paintings were damaged at Grinders. The rest, ugh, ugh, intact and continues to work.

of no return. The conditions we have draconian: the money in the amount equal to the value of the goods or passport. So the defaults for all time, only one - crutches bail money. He took some Uzbek - guest-worker. But such collateral conditions significantly reduce the customer base. So I constantly think about the insurance companies that are still not interested in small things, as well as a regular customer card, which allows to take things without collateral - so long as we give to things only to our friends. My wife against the second and looked doubtfully at the first opportunity, but I personally do not lose hope. In the United States in the form of a pledge the full cost of long ago disappeared as a class. Yes, the same cars in Russia in the rental yield for a conditional pledge of a 5 - 10 thousand. rubles. That would be us so. But while this is just fantasy.

of the techniques most often take the vacuum cleaner - a model with a steam generator to very few people can afford, 800rub. / day.

Now all the work is concentrated in one direction: as soon as possible to increase the overall information coverage. Financial statistics show a very high inertia of the rolling. T. e. If we go to some amount of income a month, we will continue to fluctuate around it, plus or minus 20%. I have two psychological threshold that must break this year. You can then make plans to expand the network itself rolled, and I 'd like to put three points in the city. I hope that April will not be the only month that we are really happy, and growth will continue and further.

All idealists, I would advise you not to mess with hire. It is only from a distance it seems a simple business. But the need to generate demand immediately translates it into the category of innovative services sectors in Russia. So you have to learn marketing and learn to not only serve the customer, but to create it. This is not to sit on the flow of fans of porn or dating, and collect revenue for the conversion of half a percentage point. This will bring up the conversion of 50-80%, or just fly.

about competitors. We do not see them, and do not feel. Stores power tools have been slow to expand its range of tools in rent (normal range - 15-30 units), and we are already ahead on a number of products. Private rentals gradually ceased to exist. Rentals of heavy equipment we do not make the competition as well as working with a different audience. But, of course, when the order is small, it seems that someone pulls them. Although it is not so.

It's a shame a tumble into a million and still not see tangible results? . My wife grumbles occasionally, but even she realizes promising directions. I 'm looking to hire, as the grain from which it can grow the company to service the population. While all in my head, but there are thoughts and his team of builders, and crew who will be engaged in gardens, orchards. There is also a thought and a more simple things like dry cleaning, keys, filing, etc. n. All this can be gradually skuchkovat rentals around - to make its prototype in the past gone home life. Why not, indeed?.

Symbol hire - Mr Rental, gradually begin to recognize it in.

Link to site for the curious:. 39prokat. ru.

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