Saturday, June 2, 2012

Country underdeveloped COMMUNISM

Slon correspondent met and recorded a conversation with Lee, a girl from a provincial town in northern North Korea, which is about two years ago moved through China to the south. Man, that is from the most respectable of the North Korean family: father - a teacher of party discipline in the local Pedagogical Institute, Mama - a housewife and social worker, herself - a graduate of pedagogical institute, kindergarten, and then - the owner of an underground manufacture of cigarettes.

- You had a Russian language at school?.

- ... But anyway, I was in English class. Typically, classes A and B were the Russian and the other two - English. But that was long ago - when I went to school in the early '90s, and now Russian in schools has remained almost. We in the city in 97-98 Russian classes were shut down everything, everything began to English. And before that was half.

- How many people were in the classroom?.

- Quite a few at a time standard - 40-50. But now, less because of problems with fertility, so it is now 35-40.

- Your mother was?.

- No, she was a homemaker, but worked in social work. She was a teacher to a group of folk - group of mutual surveillance on a residence. She was responsible for the women in our district that did not work for housewives: the problem is also that housewives are not left without supervision, so that they waged among the organizational and ideological work. Well, just look after them. These groups are formed on a territorial basis - there for 20-40 families.

- Were it for this activity any more lgoty?.

- No, nothing was. Heads of national groups were not supposed to do no pay, and the cards she received remuneration as an ordinary housewife. But in the early 90's there was talk that they need to set salary. And they give a salary from about 1992 to around 30 out. But it was absolutely pointless, because by the end of the 90 average monthly salary was out of the order of 700-1000, and it was nothing to buy, and they received 30.

- What kind of misdemeanor charges of group members need to report?.

- For example in the morning housewives have to go to construction and the problem of people's boss - to gather people to go to these papers. To it came the order: so many people should be sent to the construction or repair of roads and so something. n. Many, of course, do not want to go. This is the most common violation. Then the boss of complaining to the police or local authorities. Theoretically, the head groups are subject to the district council, a sort of executive committee: there they complain. But the police may intervene if the evasion of mobilization has been particularly widespread. In general, the work is quite unpleasant, because it spoils relations with people. But my mother was an ideological, loved Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung, she tried very hard.

- She now believes in and tries to?.

- It is no longer.

- When it changed?.

- She really wanted to join the party, 30 years of trying, but after 35 years in the game she did not give to join. My sister moved to China, and the mother was removed from the work. It was for her a very big disappointment. However, by the time she was not so wanted to join, this enthusiasm was gone.


- In what years did you work in a kindergarten?.

- 2000-2005.

- All children go to kindergarten?.

- Yeah, sure. This is part of compulsory education.

- What is taught in kindergarten?.

- Language score, song and dance, outdoor games, excursions into nature, and the three ideological subject - stories about the childhood of Kim Il -sung, stories about his childhood, Kim Jong Il, and stories about his childhood, Kim Jong Suk (wife of Kim Il Sung ). Accordingly, in our garden were three rooms for their study. One room - for the study of childhood, Kim Il Sung, the other - Kim Jong-il, the third - Kim Jong Suk. It just came out of our seats. There, childhood photos, portraits, and in the center of each room - a large model space, where the great man who dedicated room, spent his childhood. The size of a large table - and there is a house, yard, gorochki, where he played and m. Each of the three subjects - once a week for one session.

These models are not available centrally, it should all be able to do for themselves teachers. I did everything myself - flowering cherry trees, grass - so that was nice. There is singing songs about the leader, listen to stories about the leader.
- Children in kindergarten is being fed? .

- Children should have to bring boxes of food from home. We have tried to organize the food, but we turned out just once or twice a month - if we were given food. And when there was no food, we could not do anything. When I myself went to kindergarten in the 80s, and there we were fed. And when I was a teacher, has been nothing.

- Children brought boxes of food from home, and they all have different.

- Of course different, very different. There were kids who did not bring anything, then I sent them a couple of hours, ... But there was a problem with the other. There were those who brought just boiled corn, as were those who in a box, and the meat was. And yet, everyone can see. But the children themselves were grouped together for prosperity parents. Those who have had approximately the same level of clothing, toys and food - played with each other and communicate with each other. Serious conflicts in this regard, I have not seen. They are too small. Such conflicts begin appearing and quite strong in primary and especially secondary school.

- Whose children are considered children of the rich?.

- First of all, government officials, our local authorities. They differed clothes, well, it was evident that teachers pay special attention to them.

- Parents can help teachers with money. The school and kindergarten they have to pay something?.

- Yes of course. We would not be able to live without help from parents. Teacher's salary of about 2000 out. This is the price of one kilogram of rice in the market. Some parents gave money, but mostly does not help with money: bring - who clothes, who some things homemade, and certainly gave food: rice, farmers - corn, while others looked, that there is no clock could . Or vision problems, and not get points - points helped the book. Still trying to make more gifts on the issue - and money, and rice, and other.

Give directly to a teacher, tutor, so that the director is even worse, he just did not have. The real income of the school principal may be less than that of teachers or tutors. But schools have a way to make. Rings farm chairman and asked to send their children to work in the field. The director sends the children in the farm, and a chairman to replace him to pay money or food.

- How many students in the autumn days working in the fields?.

- In the autumn almost every day to work in the late 90. We have a six-day working week, and fall almost no learning at all. Even picked up the weekend. Could leave two weekends a month. And of course took all working days. A self- taught: given homework and talked - learn this, this and this. It continued in the 90s and 2000s. Sent to the spring planting of rice, in the fall to harvest corn, rice, vegetables. The senior classes were virtually free of farmers. We started from the third class, and more and more.

- And the students?.

- Well, of course! . The universities just do it officially. In the spring and fall to the program laid down for a month, free of occupation. In the spring - is planting rice. In the autumn - harvesting rice and maize.

- Only the farms were taken schoolchildren? .

- No, what kind of help from students at the plant? .

What is taught in high school my father?.

- ... When Kim Il Sung, it was a good career, a respected man. Just as a doctor, party worker, an employee of law enforcement bodies. In addition to the kimiresnovskie times was best to be a ... Not only the participants themselves, but also their children and grandchildren were privileged to act in good schools, to reach positions.

Then, the system collapsed cards, then he died, Kim Il Sung and the era of Kim Jong Il. And since 1996, people began to starve and die. Then the good people lived with relatives abroad, especially in Japan. Former privileged people called Pektusana, and these people were called Fujiyama. And then people started Yonmansana time - ( a mountain, where the University. Kim Il Sung, in which the student of Kim Jong Il ) - when classmates began priviligerovannymi Kim Jong Il and all graduates with a university. In addition, in our area in the north, it's those who have relatives in China who send money. And then there are people who, like me, moved to the south, and hence help to relatives. But there are not enough.

- In the university environment which is now common sentiment - nostalgia for the days of Kim Il Sung, when the teacher was a man of solid and he lived in comparison with other well, or vice versa critical, anti-government sentiment?.

- In general, they want to change. Sometimes, sad to kimirsenovskom time, but do not want to go back.

- And going to talk about and criticize the government?.

- When Kim Il Sung was absolutely inconceivable to talk about politics. Now have a little power to scold, but carefully. Here is my father at home all the time, said that Kim Jong Il - no comparison with Kim Il Sung, is unable to cope with the leadership of the country. His mother, brakes, said: ... But, when I was already a teenager, just asked the Pope: ... Most mentions of Kim Il Sung, with respect, and to Kim Jong Il ratio is much worse.

- A conversation about the structure of the country that everything is wrong, no?.

- Who is talking about it. They say that socialism - this is wrong. This was so not dangerous, you can scold the power.

- How are the students belong to your father - a teacher of ideological disciplines. We take them seriously is not included at the end of the Soviet Union.

- The same.

- The father of what it thinks?.

- Father? . I'm not with him the issues raised. All his life he was engaged in this. He 's hard to say afterwards: ... This is a psychological trauma.


- Let's try to imagine life in teaching family. Do you have a TV?.

- The TV we did not have before 1997, and 97 g. to our relatives came from China and was brought as a gift a TV, Color. Buy it now in Korea itself is not a problem if the money is, we simply did not have. Colour TV two years ago, when I went, was worth about 30,000 (about $ 100 ). But it is certainly much more than any official salary.

- Where is it possible to earn?.

- Private business - trade, business, profession. On the state salary for a long time nobody lives.

- That is your family doing something, too, in the private sector?.

- Parents are simply working on the site, growing beans, maize. And did a lot of beans for tofu.

And I made cigarettes at home. I buy tobacco from farmers, then sliced ​​, added honey, herbs for flavor, added to the mass of water, dried. After that we were getting tissue paper rolls - it carried workers from a local cigarette factory, but you could buy imported from China ( China is better). Same with filters. My house was a little machine for the manufacture of cigarettes. And we hired girls who twisted my cigarettes. With the filter. I have dealt with this for five years and I worked six girls. One right at my house, the rest were given the material and took the goods. And I have already dealt with packaging. Then he passed the wholesalers, and those transported to rural areas.

- Packed in a pack of cigarettes brands?.

- Of course, Marlboro, and Chinese brands - in those packets that are able to buy into those and packed. There were people who in Korea itself managed to make tutus, very similar to the original.

- The volume of your production?.

- 800 packages a day in the good days.

- How much it gave a month income?.

- 200,000 won per month in revenue, personal income remained 25-30 000 won per day. That's about $ 700.

- Rich you were a girl.

- Yes.

- And how it all had to adjust to the authorities?.

- Paid off, of course. I had to pay them well. It's all inside and formally illegal. So I kept well- fed district.

- Proud that we managed to organize such a production?.

- Of course. I was the CEO. A to cigarettes, by the way, I have long traded eggs, pepper and spices. I bought eggs and pepper on the area politzekov number 22. They are there on his farm produce notch pepper and eggs are excellent.


We can not enter the territory of the zone, but we bought a family guards and camp administration. They sort of intermediary firms. It organizes all the administration and cons what they say to do, then they do. Most likely it was a business administration camp. But we must admit that it was a very high quality products.

I am selling it is not with us, and was taking on the market in the nearby seaside town great - the largest city in the county, there is a good price, and such great eggs, and pepper, pepper paste, and sold well. In addition, there is the sea, and I have to empty not to go back, buy squid, octopus, pollock and sold on the market, we.

- How do parents feel about that?.

- They were happy. I helped them. Before that we were hungry, but as this thing unwind, our family in the city became one of the richest.

- When the famine was over in the country?.

- In our area sometime in 2002. But do not think that hunger is quite over, yet there are those who hunger. Some people rarely die of starvation so far. But it certainly does not compare with what was in the 90s. If you are relatively healthy and young - that will not die of hunger. And most importantly - we now have immunity to this. Then, when the state suddenly ceased to make products for the cards, we did not know what to do, but now we know how to live independently.

- Have you had trouble adapting to the capitalist South Korea?.

- I grew up in a situation where everything was ordered to. You say when and where to go, what to do and in what sequence. I came here and was surprised I could do everything, but I must address myself, what, where and when. And in the beginning to get used to the fact that you all pick and choose myself - it took some effort. The clothes that I bought the first time after came here, I did not put on, I'm very funny is that I bought a.

The author, Alexander Baunov.

Source -slon. ru.