Wednesday, June 6, 2012

' Classmates ' condemned

There was a court of arbitration on the conflict between the social network ' Classmates. py 'and KM portal. ru, which are not so long ago described ' Vebplaneta '. Today, the press service of KM. ru reported that the Moscow Arbitration Court upheld a claim Ltd. ' Classmates ' and now a social network called odnoklassniki. km. ru should lose the name of.

In the distributed KM. ru news release contained the suggestion that the court actually recognized the monopoly owner of the ' Classmates ' Albert Popkov on the word ' classmates '. Also, the administration of KM. ru rejects accusations of copying the logo and any other elements of corporate identity.

According to the administration of KM. ru, LLC ' Classmates ' and personally, Mr. Popkov seek as far as possible ' to monopolize the floor and clean the market from all potential competitors '. As an example of a possible attack is the next object resource odnoklassniki. narod. ru, which is not in any competition with these social networks is not.

also, KM. ru believes that ... Apparently, the implied diagnosis of mental health of the Albert Popkov. Portal KM. ru intends to appeal.

Recall that in April this year, ' Classmates ' has filed another lawsuit on copyright protection - to the publisher ' AST '. The owners of the resource demanded compensation of 200,000 rubles for the publishing house released thriller ' Classmates '.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The most expensive house in New York

If so once there, it can be rented for $ 210. 000 per month.
The owner of a lot of weld, in 1995, little house was bought for $ 6 million.
And the losses, I see a little overspend or crisis poplohelo.
The mansion in the affluent Upper East Side of Manhattan has 10 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, three kitchens, a library, elevator, gym, garden.

The mansion in the French Gothic style was built in 1916.
Now he is again restored by the pre-war style.
The fact that the finish chic, and say no, you can see in photos.
The total area of ​​18. 000 square feet, a dining hall for 50 persons.

If he did manage to vtyuhat 90 -million ( stipulated that if the payment is in cash 10% discount as you a good discount? It will be a new record. Cash can buy it unless some sort of Russian daherarh with criminal records.
Previous most expensive house (Harkness Mansion) was sold for 53 million.
