Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Killed by Maxim Zuev

Yet he spent the first and last competitions websites in the city - Amber Wide Web. Our sites are studiously ignored the Maxim, a company where I worked, did not like him personally, for several reasons - competition in the creation, different views on the design of sites. Although it was mutual respect. Winners of competitions mainly differed on his pals. The value of the diploma was low. But it can not be denied - bring fresh wave of competition in the development and popularization of the local segment of the Internet. Maxim was an ambitious man, was a member of the Russian Union of Journalists, was friends with people of different ranks, in particular, to one of the competitions as a guest he brought Lebedev.

In the twilight of his career, Maxim became the lead column in the local newspaper. And then completely disappeared from the LESBIAN. Come new heroes, new faces. Places to old popular figures remained. So with the latest web lethargic ( three or four years ago? ) I do not hear about it, and now read the headline and for a long time digging around in memory - the name was familiar. And then he remembered.

So that the land he rest in peace. The news of the death. here.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Variations on technical topics

Blogger tags inurl: blogspot. issued. Where to get traffic: Features promotion blog on bloggers.
Well, I think -let's have a look it's SEO and marketing in miracles. Smiled the seventh item on the precepts of the promotion:.

Do not write articles on technical topics, they are usually read by Advanced- nick, they cut advertising and cores from them is useless.

As everyone is counted, daessi diva:).

Jokes of the ICQ

She: - Can an indiscreet question?.

She: - Stupid!.

He: - urine).

She: - Boys shit is sitting. and where virgin pussy?.

He: - * ROFL *.

He: - Patstalom!.

He said: - In the pocket of hiding until the shit.

She: - She unfastened?.

He: - * ROFL *.

He said, - and why should it be to do with it?.

She: - No, well, that it is so out there and hang out? .

He said: - Ah ))).

She: - And do not get dirty?.

He: - * ROFL *.

He: - cease, and then I wake up the neighbors right now.

It: - I can not do anything with his curiosity.

She: - Shit, I wonder.

He: - Physiologically so arranged that it hangs out of the trajectory of the fall Kakulia. ) ).

He said: - I smoke, and then I will tear tries sha. ).

She: - You guys are strange and you have the body of the country. Aliens tries.


Shirif: - write me a four- thread.

Boar:- tries pashel.

Shirif: - you're an idiot, I'm the chief explain what ICQ.


He said: - Why are you with it if you love another?.

She: I try to forget -.

He: - turns?.

She: No, but there is always hard to learn. They like the way the eye.


- Mmm, you without glasses and do not know!.

- Yeah, I was without my glasses, too few people know.


xxx: All right, we should tidy up the room. I sha girl will come to visit )).

yyy: under the bed all let down and not worry.

xxx: they all employ.

xxx: long).


He: Hi, kagda?.

She: shitty (.

He: A human right?.

She: Tra ** tsya want!.

He: So let's fix ) Tomorrow I'll come with me as always) ).

She: That, as always?.

He: Well, martinis and President *** tivy ).

She: I'm her husband Voobscheto. Tra ** tsya 'cause I want her monthly. At its sitting potamuchto ace up their forgotten password.

She: But ...


xxx: You stupid idiot. Come now to the turnip.

yyy: Cho? . Yes, and my head hurts badly after yesterday.

xxx: It will hurt even more when we have it on your basuhu split.

yyy: What happened then?.

xxx: I do not remember? . But still so big that now everyone will think that the so- called, our group. And the guitar ...

yyy:))))). Ya luser. That means to me why the Vitek sms sent ... ) ) ) ) ).

xxx: No, not at this. We all morning with ankinogo forehead ...

yyy: tin. I n * buildings.


He said: plya!.

Her: what? .

He said, collapsed pipes under the sink.

He said, and the water from the sink drain is not in the pipe and onto the floor, where all the water.

He: I have a brain.

He said, wiping cloths.

He said, and pressed them into the sink plyat!.


yyy: sorry for all the same phone.

xxx: sho utoppila again?.

yyy: Nope. threw it into the wall.

xxx: What are you passionate.

zlaya_feya: you what guys, that's when a strange woman throws Phone apstenu - it is passionate, and when his own - ** iba melting! .


Death: 'I 'll come tomorrow at 11.

Sanya: - B. Th, Katya! .


She: Hello, what are you doing?.

He said, sitting on a pair, chewing gum, chattering in the ace and read a book.

She: I would have kicked ).

He: does not work ).

She: Why?.

He: I am lecturer.


She: - Zai went to dinner ).

He said: - We are sitting in the neighboring departments, and to invite me to dinner, you write in ICQ ( when you can do completely different ))) )).

It: - is there?.

He: - Katya, well, think );-).

He: - Pl * Th! .


M: Hello!.

K: Hello.

K: about blondes want our office to tell? .

M: Let's.

K: Lily with Kate set to print 100 blank pages) )))) )), guess what?.

M: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! .

K: no))).

M: Maybe they wanted to clean the printer?.

K: no))).

M: Well, then I do not know.

K: They had to count for 100 sheets - hands too lazy to think of us and after this blonde?.


Count today for two and a half months, as we deal with my girlfriend ** ce nd every day! .

Thomas: A monthly, it does not interfere? .

Earl: well it still did not have them ).

Count: plyayayayayayayayayayayayayaya!!.


Nat: I - do- ku *** Ingus.

Misha is what kind of animal?.

Misha, a relative of the mongoose that is.

Nat: Well, ask anyone anything.

Mike: Wait, my mother will ask.

Misha: - aaaaaa, you're held up badly mnya.


Pooh: - And we're on the new year in office, staged a race on chairs with wheels. 4 of the terms, moreover, as expected, with Pitstopami, stayed in a specially reserved for this matter the place, fueled with vodka, and on the track.

Cider: - I wonder how this scheme would have reacted to the boss?.

Pooh: - Our director came to the last.


She: - Sergei, come to me, ceasing to Windu.

He said: - I do not have the installation disk.

She: - So come around to the pharmacy, they are still open.

He: - ahtyfvaaaaaasf.

She: -?.

He: - Sheep Shoot!! .

He: Now with suitcases come to you to reinstall Windu.


He: You used a thicker.

She: Plyat not ...


xxxxx:- Blah, count up how lucky I am! . no money. on inete also no money. money is not really anywhere. Well, from reading a textbook bezyskhodstva decided. I opened, and there a few haymakers! .

Ooooh: - Toto you today on the exam was not.

xxxxx: - Plya.


- I went to pass the exam, and ICQ wrote in the status of ...

- And how the exam?.

- Excellent! .

- And how friends in ICQ? .

- I do not have more friends!.


XXX: Do you have a brother or sister?.

UUU: Yes.

XXX: who?.

UUU: What is the ...

Xxx: D. above.

UUU: AAAA. there is.


He: And what is your phone?.

She: Beautiful.

He: A model?.

She: No, what?.


XXX: again tomorrow at 8. 00 on the job.

yyy: I understand you.

xxx: No, do not understand.

yyy: fully understand.

xxx: Yes, even you have no work!.

yyy: yesterday was.


xxx: my Aunt tehsapport calls with a question: do I have overflow message profile.

xxx: I have her, and you have a desktop file no heavy?.

xxx: She: No, no, you, I created a folder in the office. table and hid all the files there.


xxx: I immediately found a way of making cheap energy drink.

yyy: m?.

xxx: instantly invigorates.

xxx: mate, redbully coffee and nervously smoking in aside.

xxx: a recipe to tell?.

yyy: let.

xxx: short.

xxx: Beres cup, throws back a tea bag and pour boiling water - the most it is 90-99 degrees.

xxx: can you give nastoyatstsa, the main thing is not cool.

xxx: of course the sugar to taste.

yyy: all?.

xxx: No.

xxx: blah and then spill the whole thing myself in the pants.

xxx: invigorates both pesdetts.

xxx: that the current checked blah.


Serge: - hi, can you meet?.

Lenuska_ZaYka:- Hello =)) you can).

Serge: - You always sit under it Nick?.

Lenuska_ZaYka:- yes, why? ).

Serge: and you, together with a friend yesterday, ... Vorovskogo wrote their nicknames markers and proposal to meet?.

Lenuska_ZaYka: th % ))) I did not think that will affect ) and you live there huh?) What's your name?.

Serge: - yes, I live there. And to you, bitch, right now, COME ALL THE SAME AND YOUR Scribble Otterlo, AKA.

Find and AHA ** NO punished!.

Serge: nice meeting you, bye.


XXX: guess the mystery: will put a glass eye,.

Clicks again - and remember you. Who is it?.

UUU: Optimistic option - Photographer.

Pessimistic - the sniper.


He: - Zai! .

He: - are you?.

He said, - Listen, I forgot where the phone. you can turn it off, and then the call will be.

She: - you sms came from Sergei Borisych.

He: - blah.

It: he says, that she was ...

He: - gathered my things?.

She: - yes, lie at the door.


- Hi baby how are you? .

- World War II, but I asked you to write to me ok! . is not very good if the vice-president of the bank - and the kid wants a * s!.

- Excuse me, Olga, how your business?.

- Good) )).

- Do not want tonight to give me a mortgage?.

- What?.

- Or give me a discount?.

- BOB, you are in yourself?.

- I was almost in your.

- All the while, until the evening!.

- Hey, IT pros! .

Bitch, I'm vice-president of the bank En??.

- Vova Mlyat!!!!.

- Forgive me, dear, could not restrain himself, is willing to pay the bills.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oracle - the coolest of virtualization?

'Oracle, it seems, goes to take decisive action in its confrontation with VMware - August 19 she had an online event to demonstrate how it differs from competitors. '.
This is the beginning of the article ( not mine, translated ). published in PC Week.

Here's another important quote:.

You can, of course, treat this as a normal ' agitation ', but actually hiding behind all of this serious matter.

Like, Quadrant Gartner shows (. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 124184. ) That VMware has created a gap with the margin of safety, what to say about the fierce competition it is not necessary.

But this, of course, is not it. We must understand that the virtualization market is still in the initial stage of. Moreover, I venture to utverzhat that the virtualization market may simply cease to exist ( at least in the form as it is today) after some time.

And the main competitors for VMware are, of course, Microsoft and Oracle. And not because it is a major IT vendors. And because they offer a different ( non- VMware) virtualization strategy. T. e. They are here not by the rules of VMware, but on its own.

The strength of the Oracle - is that it relies on the virtualization software is not at all, and its software in the first place. For Oracle users have chosen this virtualization technology Oracle.

MS makes a similar focus, but on Windows.

VMware is attempting to cover all. The idea is good, but challenging. Although, the real. The company has seen the problem - too many companies buy. All of this needs to be integrated.
Okay, let's see what happens.

Monday, May 14, 2012


And five minutes ago was a spontaneous tvitmob persons may be less known than the governor and presidential advisers, but for the IT community a more interesting: Sergei Beloussov of Parallels, Anton Antic from the Russian VMWare and Peter Didenko, known to all Internet - figure:).

Perhaps this is the first time in my experience, when reading other people's tweets brought some good:).

I can not fix this landmark in the history of exchange of views (something thrown, anyone can look at the origins of twitter ):.

sbeloussov: Wow. MSFT seem to be losing good people with crazy frequency. Something wrong with culture - the company has strong position otherwise.

sbeloussov: Then of course, with all of its strong position, it does not really manifests good cloud, mobile or consumer strategy.

pdidenko: @ sbeloussov they need to have billg @ or someone like him back onboard to create the strategy since today they just copy others, not fighting.

aantich: @ sbeloussov they have a strong position as in a 'bank has a strong position'. Otherwise too many threats and becoming less relevant daily.

aantich: @ sbeloussov. innovation / technology wise. Apple, Google on desktop and mobile, VMW, Google, even RHAT on server etc etc.

sbeloussov: @ aantich innovation may be, but microsoft has the strongest position anyhow, just not the strong strategy. yet. Do not kid yourself.

aantich: @ sbeloussov they r not going anywhere no question about it. It's just that they need to reinvent their core biz as OS doesn't cut it anymore.

sbeloussov: @ aantich bs, vmw is just another server os, which is slighlty better for some cases and slighlty not for other. do not drink u own poison.

sbeloussov: And it has not won yet, with msft simple strategy changes it cud still fight well. Vmw has no developer or isv support.

sbeloussov: Msft weapons are weapons are applications, azure (which is vfabric but shipping already and with developer crowds), bpos, there is more.

pdidenko: @ sbeloussov I wud love to share your belief in msft but can't since there are no strategy and most important no great ppl to eXecute it, not?.

sbeloussov: Yet, of course if msft won't change strategy - vmw and others wud win, and not knowing what strategy is must be incredibly demotivating.

aantich: @ sbeloussov 17k ppl at vmworld which beats MS TechEd are an indication it's slightly more than yet another OS but I'v no choice re poison.

kovyazin: @ pdidenko @ aantich @ sbeloussov If MSFT will allow ISVs to embed WinServer virtual appliances, I'll not stake a single beer on VMW OS stack.

aantich: Re ISV support - a ) we have it 2 ) it's not really needed as u take unmodified x86 soft and just virtualize it. @ sbeloussov.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekly program ' '

Hey, the planet is a program Vesti. net, and back views of our new place of work - not enough of can. Time Machine, naturally. Here, we have even a stairway to heaven is. Well, all right. Referring to the events of the week. And let us - for better contrast - a diversion from the legendary - despite the fact that no one is true, that it exists - Laboratory Google X. It turns out there talking with robots.
Google is preparing to give a disproportionate response epplovskoy Siri. The new voice-recognition system for Android, according to rumors, is on its way. It is, again, according to leaks, planned to release simultaneously with the new guglofonov Samsung Galaxy Nexus, but apparently something went wrong, and the release date was moved.
Voice control system for Android already, it's called Voice Actions. However, the natural human speech, it does not recognize, and respond only to certain key words - like ' Search Google' or ' phone book '. The new system will not only understand any complex sentences, but also be able to respond to human voice.
Especially for this, Google more than a year ago bought the British company Phonetic Arts, which owns the technology of generating speech. All this merged together, Google is codenamed Majel, in honor of the American actress Meydzhel Barrett - Rodenberri - it was her voice, says the computer space in the Star Trek saga.
And, as recognized in Google, this is the episode inspired to work on Majel. In the beta version, which is tested within the company, the program is activated, even, as in Star Trek, the word ' computer ', told with a French accent certainly Captain Piccardi.
However, if you believe the leak of secret Google's ' Laboratory of X', a voice interface Majel - it is just the tip of the iceberg. At Google, it seems, are trying to create something more. Thus, one of the former employees who participated in secret development, stated the following:.
... In Google has long been working on artificial intelligence, and the product of this work was a robot - apparently it is a simple mechanism on wheels. But I had a chance to talk to him - and this is the most amazing that I felt in my life. It passes the Turing test in 93 percent of cases. Most of all it reminds Stephen Hawking - an amazing mind and an almost complete lack of physical capacity '.
Turing Test - a test to determine intelligence. In other words, the test to determine test - a car or a thinking being. Its essence is simple - it is a conversation, and the sides should not see each other. To test this intelligence, and not the ability to recognize spoken words, the test is conducted only in text mode. In this case, we used Internet instant messenger.
Until now, no car in history could not even come close to passing the test. Does Google have created an artificial intelligence, in the company, of course, does not comment. But, as one of the main developers of Android Matias Duarte, Google dream to create an operating system that will be managed by words and gestures - the same again reminded the engineer, as in Star Trek.
According to Duarte, the person must be able to touch the device to talk to him, at the same time without even thinking, whether the speech recognition system. The Voice of sign control, according to developers, should merge and become a natural for the user. It is in this direction, as promised in Google, Android will evolve.
The first steps to the interface of the future will probably have the next version of Android called Jelly Bean. And in this Ice Cream Sandwich already have the technology ' continuous dictation '. As the name implies, the system works as a typist, that is, in any application where necessary, converts the spoken word into text by.
It is obvious that the day when we have to choose the name of your smartphone, so he knew when he was treated. But we must remember that this piece of iron, in fact, are simply digital radios for communication networks with giant corporations. A property of the connection - interrupted.
As demonstrated on Thursday Google. His services were not available about a half hour. They say - the main problem in the fiber-optic lines in Russia. Nothing terrible has happened, most likely, the human factor: someone handles something messed up as it was with ' by Yandex and 4 months ago. But at this time is not what to talk with your smartphone - email can not be obtained.
The cause of failure of Google services in Russia are problems with the fiber optic network - about the company reported in the ' Twitter '. This phrase in Google and limited: in the company's official blog about the crash - not a word. Prior to that, the basic version of a line failure Stockholm - Helsinki. This is partly confirmed Interfax, citing his sources inside the company - according to the agency, failure has occurred due to problems on the main channel of the Swedish provider Telia, which forms the Russian traffic Google.
In short, the official data is small, but the situation is very similar to the failure of ' Yandex ', which gave detailed information about the accident. Then the cause was human error - improperly installed equipment. Services of the Russian search engine went offline in the middle of August for a few hours - a little more than Google - because of problems with the routing in the new Amsterdam data center. However, neither then nor now the mass exodus of users to other search engines are not observed - variations share the main competitors ' Yandex ' and Google, did not go beyond the one percent.
Recall, on the eve of all the services Google - Youtube, email and search - were unavailable for one and a half hours. Disabling it was incomplete - mobile version of the service worked fine. On the recovery of connection, the company reported only at 17:30. That is, Google is the search engine refused to rush hour. Many people seriously believed that they simply have a problem with the internet - so it was hard to believe that the ' fallen ' Google.
In rapidly losing market company Research In Motion, manufacturer of branded gadgets BlackBerry, there were chances of survival. According to leaks, obtained by Reuters, in the past year, several major players in the IT-market negotiated, albeit informal, to buy RIM.
One of the possible buyers, Amazon has. According to an unknown source, with a proposal to deal trading giant, RIM appealed to the summer. However, at that time, according to the leak, the BlackBerry manufacturer had other plans - he knocked on the door to HTC and Samsung, offering to license their future OSes, BlackBerry 10. It will be the same for smartphones and tablets, and as considered in the RIM, interested partners.
So, again, according to rumors, RIM negotiate a deal with Amazon, and rejected again left alone with their problems, as the HTC with the BlackBerry Samsung 10 politely declined, preferring to Android. However, the acquisition of RIM talk is even more enviable buyers. According to the newspaper Wall Street Journal, discussed it among themselves leaders Nokia and Microsoft.
But, apparently, more than talk did not get. The market, meanwhile, broke his head - why Amazon and Nokia from Microsoft needed a RIM. In the case of the Amazon is still more or less clear. The following year the company plans to launch branded phone, and it will need a platform. However, previously the company relied on Android.
In the case of Union of Nokia-Microsoft, maybe they are interested in the patents RIM in wireless communications, more precisely, to protect corporate data transmitted. Armed with such patents, Nokia phones on Windows Phone 7, thanks to a complete office suite and convenient for business applications, such as, for example, OutLook, have every chance to climb the corporate niche, displacing the BlackBerry.
However, while the mere fact that someone is discussing the purchase of RIM, led the company's shares to jump straight to 11 percent. The fact that things are not going well at the company, with its management of the analysts seem strange. Over the past year, RIM shares fell almost 80 percent.
Company accused of being too conservative - in the last three years of its vehicles changed little both externally and internally. And this is with strong pressure from competitors. So much so that even the traditionally strong position in the corporate world RIM began to quickly take.
From the company waited for something new, but was released PlayBook tablet on the market did not catch on. Remains the hope for new OSes - BlackBerry 10 - and new devices based on it. They were supposed to release next year, and even the network has the first pictures of these phones, but the company suddenly announced that the release is delayed. Ostensibly in the RIM want to equip a new line of gadgets with new processors and their delivery is possible only at the end of 2012.
However, until that time, with a pace of recession the company might not survive. Already, the entire RIM is worth less than just one App Store. As a joke in the IT- Western press, in the near future, the company announces the purchase of non-Microsoft or Amazon, and some Canadian farmers.
The board of the company's shareholders, according to leaks, have heard opinions that the loss-making mobile phone business it is time to close the RIM. They believe that RIM will earn much more if monetizing patents, and they are many, and will provide services to corporate communication, which until recently had a reputation as perhaps the most reliable and secure.
However, and this was in doubt after the October entire corporate network BlackBerry for a few days out of service. Meanwhile, the CEO - and they recall that in two of RIM - continue to stick to their line and confidence to lead the company to some, visible only to them, the future. And they seem to have a vision for action to save the company. Recently, they cut his salary to one dollar a year.
Last week, Intel introduced its ' atomic ' Android. Intel first gave developers prototype production models of smartphones and tablets on a new line of Atom processors Medfield. This - a new generation of chips, which should make konkuretsiyu ubiquitous ARM. It compares favorably with rival performance, however, is not known how the new processor with the economy. The fact is that once appeared efficient ARM, Intel in the market of just forgot. It should be noted that in recent years, many experts have concluded that ARM processors can take root and laptops. Therefore, in order not to lose its place, Intel will have to make a breakthrough. According to experts from MIT, Intel device can play back video in a Blue-Ray and connect to your TV. About Intel no data plate, who will make these gadgets just do not know.
These manufacturers from China have questioned the theorem of Steve Jobs on seven-inch displays. According to them, the number of orders for such gadgets has greatly increased, exceeding the ten- device applications. This means that the production of such displays is gradually coming to the next level, read: Amazon Kindle Fire sitting on the tail of the iPad. This fact, in turn, is contrary to the prediction of Steve Jobs that the seven-inch tablet users will have to hone your finger as a pencil, to get into the icons on the screen. Recession proyzvodstva ten- gadgets connected with the fact that Apple iPad postemenno minimizes the production of 2 and is preparing a third model of the famous gadget. And for it would require a new type of screens that are not yet produced.
And now the news from Silicon Valley. You may not have noticed, but ' something moved Feysbuk'. Silicon Valley seems to be going through a period of great journeys. Not so long ago we showed pictures of the new office yet deserted Twitter. More than once we tell you about the legacy of Steve Jobs - as long as the projected fiction ' flying saucer ' Apple campus in Palo Alto.
And in this week's leaked the first photos of the new building Facebook. The company Mark Zuckerberg, which was originally based near Apple's Palo Alto, now moved to the nearby town of Menlo Park. As stated in the company, a complex of 10 buildings, formerly owned by Sun Microsystems, will be the only headquarters, and Facebook will no longer have, as before, to move from place to place due to the increase in the number of employees.
Judging from the photos, topics in the design of storage facilities in California, now in vogue. Work in the new office is in full swing, and we managed to contact one of the engineers, Facebook, our compatriot Vladimir Fedorov. His last project was a Facebook Music, and, according to Vladimir, the service in the near future will have new opportunities.
' This feature is called Live Listen, which allows two people to simultaneously listen to the same song. When one person - a DJ, and a second person or a greater number of people - students are. We saw many interesting things with this feature testing, and I think that when it comes out next year, we will see more interesting things from the users ' - said Facebook engineer Vladimir Fedorov.
Meanwhile, the web has first statistics that people are most listened to Facebook. This data is based on the number of tracks listened and pressed the buttons Like. Thus, the most ' Laikov ' singer Rihanna put. And in second place - the legendary Bob Marley. Pop diva Lady Gaga also entered the top ten rankings, but was only 7 positions, one point higher than Metallica.
However, a rating of ' Laikov ' - for performers. Interestingly, while listening to users is quite another. In the ranking by the number of spins of two matches with the top ten musicians, it tracks Rihanna and David Guetta. And, according to Fedorov, these ' national ' assessment in the next year, probably will go to the official level, there will be rating Facebook, the same sorts of top 100 newspapers and leading music labels.
So far, however, the ratings can not claim complete objectivity: Facebook does not permit its pages pirated tracks, so a set of music in social networks is relatively small. However, immediately after the launch of the service, some people criticized the Russian Facebook is that the tracks are legal, but the sound quality left a pirate. But this, like, able to solve.
' This is based, of course, in some part on the honesty of partners. But I am sure that those partners, we have chosen - honest people, and they have the rights to the music that they produce ...
By the way, on Facebook, according to Fedorov, and think about creating a television.
' We know exactly what is in this need, because people watch television, they discuss it a lot. We know that people act as lead in real life. Accordingly, if we find the right model it on Facebook, it makes people more effective ...
Now, we recall an alternative to ordinary TV set until the offer, however, not too successfully, Apple and Google.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Once again: ' For the first time IT of infrastructure available to rent '

When I received the invitation last week to a joint pressuhu Microsoft Parking. ru the slogan (see. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/06/blog-post_22. html. ), We thought it was a misunderstanding. But here came to a meeting, listen to. Indeed argue that there are now only have such an opportunity in Russia, thanks to joint efforts.
Were made by MS, Parking, now says IDC.
While frankly do not understand. common words.
While that's exactly IDC is now voiced their assessment:.
In the world of Cloud- Services, 2009 - $ 17.4 billion in 2013 - $ 44.5 mldr.
In Russia: 2009 - $ 6.5 million, 2013 - $ 124 million.

While this is all in terms of content.

P. S. Asked two questions.
a. ' Is this the first service on the lease of the IT infrastructure in Russia? '.
Answer - Yes.

2. What can we say about the project to create a SaaS Center, which was announced six years ago?.
Now in the arsenal of Parking. ru there are 17 SaaS- solutions, 3-4 is in demand (tens of users).

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cladding panels Ruukki will teach the building to produce energy

The Finnish company «Ruukki» has developed a special system for cladding of buildings, which uses the built-in solar panels to generate electricity. The facade of this system can be integrated with the overall power supply and cover up to 30% of the electricity consumed by the building.

... Therefore, Ruukki one of the first reflected on the implementation of energy saving technologies in construction. Development of the facades with integrated solar cells in particular underlines our policy of ... The use of such systems - is an opportunity to prove that the environmental benefit of lies, ...

The plates used in the Ruukki accumulating the energy front, composed of clean film. Surface is glossy, black, and virtually seamless, which is perfect for office buildings, shopping centers and even homes. This liner can be easily combined with facades of red brick, stone or with a conventional glass.

Panels with solar panels are ideal for building from scratch, and for the reconstruction of buildings. In addition, they are based on standard cladding panels Liberta by Ruukki, so that the construction of solar modules can be freely combined with conventional. Mounts are also standard, so the replacement panels is quick and easy.

Ruukki is capable of coating designed to capture even the diffuse radiation that is reflected light. It will generate electricity even if the wall is not exposed to direct rays, which means that it can be applied regardless of geographic location, and even under cloudy conditions. In snowy climates, even the effectiveness of such coatings will increase, because the snow is an excellent reflector of light.