Friday, March 30, 2012

The first cloud IaaS- service: try to find out...

the press release here. ).

My previous posts on the topic here:.
http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/06/blog-post_22. html. (after invitation).
http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/06/blog-post_22. html. ( from the event ).
http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/06/blog-post_29. html. ( general considerations about the pressuhi ).

Here's another interesting post from another point of view on this event with a discussion of different points of view:. http://www. itblogs. ru/blogs/elashkin/archive/2010/06/28/61975. aspx.

I have to say what the essence of my dissatisfaction with the event: the simple things are complicated and very long, it was not possible for journalists to find out for what they came there.

Now, in fact.

' The emergence of a new service made ​​possible by virtualization technology Microsoft Hyper-V, which allowed the company to Parking. ru a unique service, which almost no analogues in the world.
The customer can choose the configuration of the cloud server on important parameters such as memory size, number of cores, a guaranteed processing power and storage capacity, and immediately get a calculation of the cost of rent per month or per hour. The latter option is particularly relevant for those companies that have consumed the amount of computing power varies considerably during the day '.
( press release ).

All you can do so here.
http://slidebar. ru /. The user interface looks like this:.

Actually, that's all the substantive information of the event.

As I understand it ' cloud server ' = ' virtual server ' (the typical replacement of the definitions to create the effect of novelty ).

Then begin the questions that have not been able to discuss it.

a. novelty. It is the user's ability to change most settings rented virtual server, and, as I understand it, the availability of more flexible tariff plan with the possibility of almost hourly wage (as opposed to rigid schemes - such as ' for a year and no less '). Is this true?.

2. novelty. Is it like no one else has? . This question is asked reporters in the intense search for and try to find something similar. To put it mildly, a strange response.

Generally speaking, I personally question the priorities of the 'first - no - first' is not very interested in. The question is quite different. It should be understood that the 'first' is not synonymous with 'good'. The fact that ' there are no analogues in the world ' - this is still not a plus.

Should automatically be a question: why is the creation of such a service no one had thought until now. And not only in our country, not very IT - developed country, but also in advanced IT countries?.
Remember the ' elusive Joe '?.

'First ' - it can be = ' innovative '. But it could be ' no right '.

As far as the reality of demand such ' flexibility '? .

3. At the recent CCC in 2010, I heard the complaint of the people on highly inflated prices for web hosting services in Russia. Look at the picture above, it is visible to the configuration ordered a virtual server (1 GB RAM, 1 core, 10% of the kernel is loaded, 40 GB drive, Windows Web Server 2008). = 1400 rubles. per month, 16,800 per year.
Not much guided in prices, but it seems to me, not cheap.

There are a number of issues over submerged.
A) what innovations Hyper-V enabled to realize such flexibility?.
B ) What are the possibilities of the customer to track the load?.
B) is it possible to change the configuration of the server to dynamically and automatically? .

But generally speaking, all these innovations in the web hosting services are very relative interest for me as a journalist. Yeah, cool. Let 's see what happens....

And now, in fact these are the questions to ask that I came to this pressuhu.

I am interested in the topic of hosting and cloud for a long time. But I do know about the real state of affairs in this area a little ( and not only I, but also professional analysts of the most respected research companies - I talk to many people ). And given a rare opportunity to talk with experts one of the most famous and oldest web hosting companies in the country.

What I would like to know, including the example of your company's business.

  • What's happening in the Russian market hosting? .

  • What impact on the business Parking (which focuses on technology MS) release Hyper-V, and then R2?.

  • As far as MS licensing policy allows you to implement these ' flexible ' service plans?.

  • Why do you only use the tools MS, and not others - VMware, Parallels? .

  • and pr.

And here's the central question: what's happening with your project, announced in public (see. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 116602. ). That's what it said:.

'Microsoft in April 2007. announced the launch of SS Incubation Center Program, aimed at creating centers of methodological support for ISV in the development of new models of interaction with customers. Since it was already open 20 such centers (10 in Western Europe, eight in North America and two in Asia ), which today more than 400 software companies offer their customers solutions in the service mode.
In late November, the number of incubators has increased by one: Microsoft has announced the creation in Moscow of the ... Partner of this project is the company ... ru, which including technology provides a platform for deploying and testing new solutions. It is understood that in the center of the development companies will be asked to undergo a series of business and technology training to develop and deploy services, and given the opportunity to place decisions in the data center, Parking. ru.

What's going on with this program in the world ( also interesting ), and in Russia?.
It is customary to have: to make the announcement of the start of the work, but then did not remember them and do not talk about the results.

The question was asked about Russia I have obtained a brief response: work with ISVvedetsya, now in the arsenal of Parking. ru there are 17 SaaS- solutions, 3-4 is in demand (tens of users).

The press release is also a phrase:.
' For example, last year alone the number of users of our SaaS- services has increased by 3 times '.

From what the original number? .

I understand that if the project did not fail, then marking time ( and a half years ago! ). Here's an interesting topic for discussion - why?.

But we are working on a simple scheme: do not remember about the problems and simply announcing new projects. It has long been proven and robust scheme, well described in the ' I'm going to storm ' fifty years ago.

And finally, the most interesting party press conference: Deputy. Director General of IT airlines ' Atlan - Union ' Fariz Guriev.
It was obvious that she has something to say. But in practice, and to say and could not ask....

There is a whole series of questions.
a. As the extent to which the company used the approach of outsourcing and hosting? .
2. What is the ratio of ' our ' and ' not ours ' hosts? .
3. I would like nevertheless to understand - that the ' Atlan - C' did with Parking. py? .

From the press release can be understood that it is a corporate site. Moreover, in beta testing. Frankly, I do not really understand what a ' beta '. What worked in the real time Web- site?.

' We note with interest participated in the beta testing of a new cloud service Slidebar, because for us it was important to understand whether it will use the additional benefits. And they were many. For example, preliminary calculations showed that with Slidebar we can save money on hosting corporate website about 50-70 % '.

I sincerely do not really understand how the hosting site in a dynamic mode, you can save 50 %? .
And yet it is unclear if the beta has already passed, that would be good to know not on a preliminary calculation, but a quite specific results.

Here's a brief list of questions that would be interesting to discuss....
' It is a pity that we did not manage to listen to the head of the transportation department '.
Wait another year and a half before the next joint announcement Parking MS. ru....

I'm afraid of Slidebar there will not be remembered....

P. S. Regarding the organization of press conferences. All these questions need to be discussed there on the spot. For this purpose it was necessary to hold the event appropriately.
I did this analysis to the detriment of their direct work. Actually, I have to work - writing an article for PC Week ( and get a brief news - nothing to write about something ) not yet started, while spending has wasted a full day.

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